Patrick Krennmair
Patrick Krennmair
About me
R package SAEforest
Small Area Estimation
Flexible domain prediction using mixed effects random forests
This paper promotes the use of random forests as versatile tools for estimating spatially disaggregated indicators in the presence of small area-specific sample sizes.
Dr. Patrick Krennmair
Timo Schmid
Tree-Based Machine Learning in Small Area Estimation
This paper discusses current developments and emerging methods for official statistics concerning the use of random forests for poverty mapping and small area estimation.
Dr. Patrick Krennmair
Nora Würz
Timo Schmid
Analysing Opportunity Cost of Care Work using Mixed Effects Random Forests under Aggregated Census Data
This paper promotes the use of mixed effects random forests for estimating domain-specific averages in the presence of small sample sizes and under limited auxilliary information.
Dr. Patrick Krennmair
Nora Würz
Timo Schmid